Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Now, the first post has to try to be good...

So, after a heated discussion with my mother and best friend, I'm now more in the realization that while getting a job and a future is on the horizon, it's time to pull back on things that I once enjoyed. It's not that I don't love gaming and reading, (which I don't plan to stop doing, believe me.) its that It's time to move on from them taking up my life, and really push forward and work hard to realize the potential I've pushed for in my schoolwork into my whole life.

Of course, I hope that means I don't have to burn the candle 100%. I'd peeter out before then.

Well, enough of that realization/pity party. Welcome to my blog.

Let's get some stuff out of the way right off the bat. Namely, in the form of a plethora of recommendations and suggestions for the viewing populace.

(Warning: In all of Aurabolt's posts, it is very possible that he will make a base distinction or broad statement about the world around him, especially the world of geekery. He welcomes and encourages well-meaning insight and knowledge to take with him as he moves through life.)

Video Games: The economy is shafting all of us here; Those who do have the money and the means are only into casual, simple games like...Wii Music or Cooking Mama or most of anything one can find on Wiiware, Playstation Home or Xbox LIVE that wasn't developed in the past decade and a half. Personally, I think the industry is going to go through some rough times for the next couple years, but we have to stick with it like we did during the Atari days and back in the nineties when the Playstation tore the gaming giants of Nintendo and Sega asunder with it's disc-coated version of wrath.

And those who don't have the money or the means have their ways. Hardcore gamers aren't likely to turn to the independent scene, but truth be told, it is a powerful force right now. Anyone with a passion for gaming should be heading to TIGSource or Gaming World and trying out some of the really nice stuff over there. Give Avernum a try for the sandbox-loving goodness of exploration. Give Seplunky a try for it's Nethack-like goodness as well as it's irritaingly incredible means to pull you back in, while being so good at the same time...Just watch out for spikes. ALL of them...Oh, and for a free connection to a bunch of games that only costs 15 bucks/month either way, Gametap is for you.

Comics: Still reading Sandman and Secret Six backlogs for some context of the new work coming out for the latter and the absolute goodness of the former. Still I've been focusing mainly on webcomics nowadays. OOtS and Girl Genius are incredible pieces of writing that have gone long for quite awhile now, but I also recently recomend Wapsi Square and Looking for Group as well...good luck understanding the former if you're like me though; social context warps my brain, even in comics, and especially ones about life in general.

But for now, I bid you all adieu. Time to do some more job hunting, and soon? More writing!

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