Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Narrative Pet Peeves (Part 1)

There are some things about story and basic narrative that simply piss me off. Sometimes its because I dislike a work and this is the case. Other times it is because I like a work, and I don't want to see it fall into obvious traps and and bad design that it may not recover from. Sometimes its simply that the trope itself rubs me the wrong way, that the trope can seem personally disrespectful to the characters and plotlines related to the readers, and that it can be insulting to say the least.

Disclaimer, of course. As those at TVTropes will say, Tropes are Not Bad and my thoughts may not hold up. However, there is a clear trend. A trend I would personally like to see stopped.

1) The Load: This character has to stop existing. Someone who adds nothing and is a liability. Now, this is very different from someone who doesn't fight or who simply does things that are non-combative in nature or considered a more "feminine" skillset, if we even need to use gender specifics-which I real we do not need to do. Every character in some level should have an ability to effect the plot and carry it effectively. No character should ever be useless in a plot.

2) Fridging. Using a character simply as a plot device through death for another character is sickening to me. Everyone should have their agency and their own weight to carry around in a story.

I'll add more to this later. I have a headache.