Either way, I got plans. Hopefully, I'll start doing casual reviews again for other sites while I also maintain a semblance of writing and reaction to experiences, news and any other events I deem interesting to the World of Aura. I will continue, and I will persevere!
Things that have gone on as of late.
1) Obama speaks about college dropout and work related rates, and his plans to improve them though the young people. That's all well and good, man, but its not to say there isn't work for high-school dropouts. Hell, I got my master's in English Writing, and I'm still looking like crazy. Clearly, having an education is important, but it's not the only factor these people are looking for. I'm also led to believe that corporations and their subsidiaries are sitting on their collective money piles and screwing the pooch. These people should be hiring as well, but they can't risk the moneypile and it's expensive doghouse and treats, so they simply lay off.
Gahh....And this is why I don't give up. Hard Work alongside some talent yields results down the line eventually. Humanity has been working hard since infancy for their historical developments, what is to say this is any different, no? Strive forth, humanity! Bring back the strength of our jobs and restore of lives in some meaningful way.
2) Kekkaishi and Black Lagoon.
These are the two latest anime/manga (outside my small list of still-preceding anime/manga I'm reading but not have to find a new place to read it, thanks a lot Onemanga...though I do understand...I miss you One Piece.) that I am involved with. Latter is a atypical shonen about moonlighting temple priests who fight with boxes, while the other is a seinen with the dopiest Magnificent Bastard in the history of ever (except for one hell of an AU-Harry Potter....worry not, fair readers, I only link good fanfiction on my blog, and that's a promise.) with a ragtag bunch of suave mofos, jewish hackers, and gun-toting sociopaths. Internet Cookie for whoever can tell which is which. ^_^
Both do great storytelling. Both have expressive and emotional contexts which are unique and interesting for flavor purposes as well as their own plots, and they are easy to find online. I highly recommend both these series.
3) Roleplaying has been made available to me in new ways with a new group and wholly new experiences associated with them. Hell, I'm even adapting certain "single-player" videogames to play with dice systems for more action and interactivity. I believe in getting my friends involved.
Anyone who happens to come over here from any significant streams I'm a part of, welcome! I WILL BE UPDATING. If I do not, remind me to do so. I have a lot to talk about, and I really should be talking about it.
Happy revitalization to me. KAMPAI!
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