In the advent of looking for jobs, and all other consistent craziness (like cooking over a fire pit last night....yeah, that was pretty surreal) I am returning to a regular gaming schedule while also looking for jobs before November, when student loans start being needed to be paid....sigh.
On other news, a few RPGs have caught me, mainly in the RM2k and Playstation realms, as well as Indie. I won't mention names for RM2k since I don't wanna give anything away, but if anyone is interested, I would suggest heading here for anyone with interest.
I am also playing a number of roleplaying games with friends-either something I'm running, or someone else-but I run things a little different. I take a simple single-player game and run through it with my friends in the roles to let them in on the fun. It's exciting, I let them roleplay and play around and I reward them for it. Its strange, but my players have gone along with it, and I'm having a blast. Notable games are Avernum , Geneforge , and Disgaea on a more strategic bend.
Outside that, I play some Team Fortress 2 and talk with people when I can. As it is, reviews will come out soon as I get through more games, but for right now, I got some playing to do.
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