I want to talk to my friends; lately, I've been able to understand them more thanks to certain social techniques I've been implementing akin to Closed Captioning on TVs. Now they don't want me to call or attempt to reach them this week. I've seen this before when I was a kid; the silent friend loss. Where you've done something wrong and they won't tell you, and then they don't react to you nearly like they did before, or they just brush you off for some other purpose. I've lost good friends this way, and I never know what I did! Was it the yelling? Was it that they were bored of me, or tired of explaining crap to me? I don't think that's the case here, but the experience is something I'm not really denying...
Anyway, I haven't been around for awhile. Sorry about that; Mainly reviews and job hunting, alongside some social development and getting more sleep and exercise. But, if a couple of my friends can do it, so can I....
And two notes for all: First, I am a proud information hog at TVTropes. That site is awesome, and there is more information than God has ever had in any incarnation, ever.
and #2.
I have watched the movie, and am starting the anime. With your brain on or off, this is an incredible piece of work.