So, here I am, playing some lovely Angband, when I hear more and more yelling. I hear it all the time at my house with the two boys and my aunt; At least, a lot more than I should. Both the boys really get on each other's nerves, and the slightly older one is starting to use curse words in a lot of his sentences, which is getting annoying.
Of course, my bigger problem is that I'm not too sure if they have problems with me or not. I mean, the aunt and I get along well enough, and I sometimes forget to clean up after making a sandwich or lunch or something, but as far as I can tell, these things happen. They were doing it in Connecticuit, and they're gonna do it here..
It's still not stopping. Yikes.
Come join Aurabolt on his tour of the world and it's insanity. From comics lead by crazy feminist friends to jolly gaming and other geek-related whoseiwhatsits, he hopes to experience the world from a perspective hopefully a little different than you're used to.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Thursday, January 22, 2009
So, people are having dreams about me.
My first thought was, "oh kinky." Of course, as a joke, but I felt it was pretty good to begin with. They mention my development by "killing" obsolete aspects of myself Inquisition-style, in an attempt to remove the clutter and be more in-control. I completely condone it and welcome it; I'm happier, I still have my work ethic, and I'm still interested and capable of all things I've been doing so far.
Ah, glory to change, political, economic or otherwise.
Ah, glory to change, political, economic or otherwise.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Mini-Update: The Inauguration.
So, who saw it? Well, I know who didn't see it; Some people I saw walking today, workers with radio but not with it on, lots of schoolkids in rural New York, but they probably should have.
To be fair, I'm not sure what to think of it yet. Yes, it's important that the first black president has come into the United States, but I'm more interested in how policy will change to stem and fix the damage of the Bush Administration. Hell, I was yelling Good Riddance at the screen when Bush came on and going all around in his copter like a sad puppy without a bone anymore. I don't know why Obama was listening to him and respecting him, which I hope was just for a little mercy for the idiot, but who knows.
I'll post something again tomarrow. Probably something more interesting about the policy or the Tier System if I have time. I mean, outside of getting ready for class, I still have so much I want to do- find a job, watch more Prisoner (Wow, this show is great, intelligent cat-and-mouse work.), and do some more reviewing of a pretty good RPG Maker far.
To be fair, I'm not sure what to think of it yet. Yes, it's important that the first black president has come into the United States, but I'm more interested in how policy will change to stem and fix the damage of the Bush Administration. Hell, I was yelling Good Riddance at the screen when Bush came on and going all around in his copter like a sad puppy without a bone anymore. I don't know why Obama was listening to him and respecting him, which I hope was just for a little mercy for the idiot, but who knows.
I'll post something again tomarrow. Probably something more interesting about the policy or the Tier System if I have time. I mean, outside of getting ready for class, I still have so much I want to do- find a job, watch more Prisoner (Wow, this show is great, intelligent cat-and-mouse work.), and do some more reviewing of a pretty good RPG Maker far.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
A reflection about the economy...and DIGRESSION!
Alright,'s been a rough road we all should have seen coming with the oil going up in price and Bush being a complete and utter moron, screwing us all over...Yet, I choose to see this from a different perspective. Or in my case, as it is when I look at something detailed and groundbreaking, a lot of perspectives. Three of them really come to mind.
1) Commercialism. Somehow and someway, this term for the practice and method of commerce and business has been distorted and changed drastically.
Yeah, I'm kinda doing a overarching term here, but I do try to be as close to the entrance of the cave, staring out as much as I possibly can, and for that, I thank you Plato.
Enough digression. I can't have been the only one who's noticed that commercials for toys, movies, that damn digital switch thing, books, anime (If you know what channels to look on.)...they haven't stopped. It's like it was the nineties all over again with these people; products everywhere without the consideration of the financial straits of the time. Everyone condones it because they like the pretty lights and sounds telling them that everything can be changed if they buy this-even if they don't buy it, just for the defense mechanism that is self-reassurance- and society accepts it because the wide populace does as well. Since culture is defined by people and their actions to create society, we've become this consumer culture because we want to be safe. Safety, while nice and good at times, halts our ability to develop...and to be fair, it already has since....I'd say after WWII? I mean, war economy and patriotism fed it for so long, we expected the nation to fix all of our problems if it could fix the world's, and proper commerical investment and overbuying became a pretty quick result of that. If anyone can correct me on that or provide more insight, I'd appreciate it.
(For any of my blog posts, I encourage and respect responders who have more information and knowledge about certain things than I do, because I love to learn and-I hope- so do my readers. Anyone who wants to respond with some intellectual banter to educate us all, I welcome it.)
2) Current Job Market. As an example, I am attempting to get my New York Teacher Assistant Certification; clearly outside my education degree and skills that I learned in college. Why? Because I live in Westchester; a far-off land where children with special needs and developmental disorders run rampant, filled to the brim with parents who need help and schools that need someone to work with these kids independently. Having such issues myself, I can relate to the needs of the parents and the learning capabilities of the child thanks to growing experience with them and formal training. I have already passed my workshops and test, and am now pending my credientals.
It's a big market for tutors right now, as much as it is a market for doing EVERYTHING considering a job via the Internet. I've done several tens of applications and "Apply Now"'s from Barnes and Noble to Home Depot online. They ask very specific questions, and I don't always have all the info because it's hard to get. Way I see it, people need money to stimulate the economy. In order to do that, a job must be gained. Complicating the matter in this way under the guise of "efficiency" isn't going to work....Oh, and for the record, I haven't been contacted back at ANY of these job applications online that I've submitted.
3) Socioclutural issues. Now, I realize I might be making some enemies here, but at the same time, this must be brought up. There is little time for activism and pushing beliefs when there are more pressing matters at stake. I speak specficially to Feminism/Masculism, and certain groups about developmental disorders which really need to shut the hell up. (*coughAutismSpeakscough*)
I'll start with the latter: (Warning: This following statement is an idealist view. I am aware of this, and I am also knowledgeable enough to recognize this isn't happening. Yet, through realistic lens, I maintain it. Please understand this.)
Feminists/Masculists: I'm going to say right now that, as a man and as a human being, I am not in either of your camps because I've made my own. I am a Gender Equalist; I advocate the equal and fair extent, context, and ability of both genders in media and real life that condones to BOTH genders- I think despite our physical and emotional diffrences based on biology and psychology ingrained in us by genetics, we can be equal.
Examples in Real Life:
1) Women and Men can both hold the same aspirations and potential to succeed in a working, serious, industrial world, and also have the right to choose a loving, compassionate, residential world with children and loved ones as they choose in their own lives and sense of perspective, without being influenced by gender roles or pressures.
2) Men and Women are allowed to enjoy their lives as they see fit within the confines of relative law and availability due to other circumstances without other individuals and groups negatively reflecting or influencing those actions through their own words or actions.
3) Both genders deserve the right to any relationships they so desire with another gender in political and legal means. Under this same viewpoint, I also believe that a mutual relationship should exist between the two individuals outside of sexual/romantic perference (Ex: Dom/Sub), where both sides can provide and develop their side of the relationship as much as the other individual can. They both put themselves into the relationship, they both work hard in their own ways-without harmful criticism or a push of superiority- to make it work. Simple as that.
Examples in Media/Fiction/etc:
1, 2 and 3)) Women and Men should be allowed to show their specific abilities and their use to an effect that does not overwhelm or completely disregard the other gender emotionally, socially or physically within narrative context. While I like certain tropes within this desparity and I admit to it, such as the "Distressed Damsel", "Princess Classic", "The Hero", and "The Smart Guy", these tropes not only be attributed to the opposite gender with changes to their name and a couple of shifted plotlines, but SHOULD be used in those manners. I personally would respect someone who did this highly. On that same note, I disrespect and loathe when these terms-switched or otherwise-have gone WAY WAY too far.
Examples: (And yes, I realize they are connected to mainly girls. I am arguing this from the perspective that these tropes would be used on both genders.)
"Standard Female/Male Grab Area" - ...No, just no. I HATE THIS TROPE used in either way on either gender. You need to do more than just grab someone's upper arm to immobilize them for capture, even with intimidation through the threat of pain and suffering. There are so many ways I could argue that someone could get out of this situation that I won't even bother, and that includes the Princess Classic-kind sweet girls and Smart Guy-guys.
"Faux Action Girl/Guy" - If a character of either gender has the means and the ability to fight or contribute to a situation effectively, you should be well-represented. Yes, they can be placed in trouble, but they should also be able to either contribute to their own salvation, or if they cannot, at least succeed in some minor victory or in some progress to that escape. If an author cannot do this, they shouldn't be using this character in such a malrepresented manner.
Addendum: However, when people do not have the sufficient powers or abilities and they KNOW it, they should find other ways to assert some level of necessity to primary characters, but also recognize their place. If something is too big for them to handle, they should back out because of their situation. Recklessness to prove a point gets nowhere.
"Purity Sue/Stu" - No one is this good or kind. Period. Want proof? Look at childhood and tell me that while you were a good child, you also pissed off your parents and people around you. Fact of life, next trope.
"Casanova/nove" - I also call this the Pervert or the Sex-Crazy Jackass who uses his smaller brain. If this character actually did something or acutally seemed to have a good side to him/her that involved mutual compassion while not trying to overstep his/hers bounds or assuge superiority over the opposite sex, I would accept this character. In most of the media I've seen, that doesn't exist. I wish it did.
"Knight(male)/Knight (female) in Shining Armor" - When used correctly, this isn't bad. Generally, this kind of character is done well with someone to balance them out morally as well as in terms of different abilities for a well-balanced duo, yet also regards the Knight's abilities as effective. It is also good when this trope is used with Princess/Prince Classic, but allows for this second primary/sometimes supporting character to show off what they can do as well...without the knight being shocked and worried, thank you.
I'll think of more as they come along, and add them here under real-life or fiction, but it's an unnesscessary argument when we could just work together instead of at subtle odds and work hard to push against these troubled market and political times in ways of emotionally comforting, social, and work-based needs.
And the former one about Autism Speaks, I'll sum up real fast:

See this child who's likely an actor playing an autistic child....Two legs, two arms, that whole thing? Hey, we're people too right? We don't need a cure, we need help and compassion and the means to develop effectively, which exist thanks to developmental psychology. These things happen, and although I respect what you are doing with informing parents and people of the risks and effects the children with this condition will deal with, we can also survive within this world. We can also strive and have goals, and we can also succeed if given the chance. Thank you.
Thanks for reading everybody. More tomarrow.
1) Commercialism. Somehow and someway, this term for the practice and method of commerce and business has been distorted and changed drastically.
Yeah, I'm kinda doing a overarching term here, but I do try to be as close to the entrance of the cave, staring out as much as I possibly can, and for that, I thank you Plato.
Enough digression. I can't have been the only one who's noticed that commercials for toys, movies, that damn digital switch thing, books, anime (If you know what channels to look on.)...they haven't stopped. It's like it was the nineties all over again with these people; products everywhere without the consideration of the financial straits of the time. Everyone condones it because they like the pretty lights and sounds telling them that everything can be changed if they buy this-even if they don't buy it, just for the defense mechanism that is self-reassurance- and society accepts it because the wide populace does as well. Since culture is defined by people and their actions to create society, we've become this consumer culture because we want to be safe. Safety, while nice and good at times, halts our ability to develop...and to be fair, it already has since....I'd say after WWII? I mean, war economy and patriotism fed it for so long, we expected the nation to fix all of our problems if it could fix the world's, and proper commerical investment and overbuying became a pretty quick result of that. If anyone can correct me on that or provide more insight, I'd appreciate it.
(For any of my blog posts, I encourage and respect responders who have more information and knowledge about certain things than I do, because I love to learn and-I hope- so do my readers. Anyone who wants to respond with some intellectual banter to educate us all, I welcome it.)
2) Current Job Market. As an example, I am attempting to get my New York Teacher Assistant Certification; clearly outside my education degree and skills that I learned in college. Why? Because I live in Westchester; a far-off land where children with special needs and developmental disorders run rampant, filled to the brim with parents who need help and schools that need someone to work with these kids independently. Having such issues myself, I can relate to the needs of the parents and the learning capabilities of the child thanks to growing experience with them and formal training. I have already passed my workshops and test, and am now pending my credientals.
It's a big market for tutors right now, as much as it is a market for doing EVERYTHING considering a job via the Internet. I've done several tens of applications and "Apply Now"'s from Barnes and Noble to Home Depot online. They ask very specific questions, and I don't always have all the info because it's hard to get. Way I see it, people need money to stimulate the economy. In order to do that, a job must be gained. Complicating the matter in this way under the guise of "efficiency" isn't going to work....Oh, and for the record, I haven't been contacted back at ANY of these job applications online that I've submitted.
3) Socioclutural issues. Now, I realize I might be making some enemies here, but at the same time, this must be brought up. There is little time for activism and pushing beliefs when there are more pressing matters at stake. I speak specficially to Feminism/Masculism, and certain groups about developmental disorders which really need to shut the hell up. (*coughAutismSpeakscough*)
I'll start with the latter: (Warning: This following statement is an idealist view. I am aware of this, and I am also knowledgeable enough to recognize this isn't happening. Yet, through realistic lens, I maintain it. Please understand this.)
Feminists/Masculists: I'm going to say right now that, as a man and as a human being, I am not in either of your camps because I've made my own. I am a Gender Equalist; I advocate the equal and fair extent, context, and ability of both genders in media and real life that condones to BOTH genders- I think despite our physical and emotional diffrences based on biology and psychology ingrained in us by genetics, we can be equal.
Examples in Real Life:
1) Women and Men can both hold the same aspirations and potential to succeed in a working, serious, industrial world, and also have the right to choose a loving, compassionate, residential world with children and loved ones as they choose in their own lives and sense of perspective, without being influenced by gender roles or pressures.
2) Men and Women are allowed to enjoy their lives as they see fit within the confines of relative law and availability due to other circumstances without other individuals and groups negatively reflecting or influencing those actions through their own words or actions.
3) Both genders deserve the right to any relationships they so desire with another gender in political and legal means. Under this same viewpoint, I also believe that a mutual relationship should exist between the two individuals outside of sexual/romantic perference (Ex: Dom/Sub), where both sides can provide and develop their side of the relationship as much as the other individual can. They both put themselves into the relationship, they both work hard in their own ways-without harmful criticism or a push of superiority- to make it work. Simple as that.
Examples in Media/Fiction/etc:
1, 2 and 3)) Women and Men should be allowed to show their specific abilities and their use to an effect that does not overwhelm or completely disregard the other gender emotionally, socially or physically within narrative context. While I like certain tropes within this desparity and I admit to it, such as the "Distressed Damsel", "Princess Classic", "The Hero", and "The Smart Guy", these tropes not only be attributed to the opposite gender with changes to their name and a couple of shifted plotlines, but SHOULD be used in those manners. I personally would respect someone who did this highly. On that same note, I disrespect and loathe when these terms-switched or otherwise-have gone WAY WAY too far.
Examples: (And yes, I realize they are connected to mainly girls. I am arguing this from the perspective that these tropes would be used on both genders.)
"Standard Female/Male Grab Area" - ...No, just no. I HATE THIS TROPE used in either way on either gender. You need to do more than just grab someone's upper arm to immobilize them for capture, even with intimidation through the threat of pain and suffering. There are so many ways I could argue that someone could get out of this situation that I won't even bother, and that includes the Princess Classic-kind sweet girls and Smart Guy-guys.
"Faux Action Girl/Guy" - If a character of either gender has the means and the ability to fight or contribute to a situation effectively, you should be well-represented. Yes, they can be placed in trouble, but they should also be able to either contribute to their own salvation, or if they cannot, at least succeed in some minor victory or in some progress to that escape. If an author cannot do this, they shouldn't be using this character in such a malrepresented manner.
Addendum: However, when people do not have the sufficient powers or abilities and they KNOW it, they should find other ways to assert some level of necessity to primary characters, but also recognize their place. If something is too big for them to handle, they should back out because of their situation. Recklessness to prove a point gets nowhere.
"Purity Sue/Stu" - No one is this good or kind. Period. Want proof? Look at childhood and tell me that while you were a good child, you also pissed off your parents and people around you. Fact of life, next trope.
"Casanova/nove" - I also call this the Pervert or the Sex-Crazy Jackass who uses his smaller brain. If this character actually did something or acutally seemed to have a good side to him/her that involved mutual compassion while not trying to overstep his/hers bounds or assuge superiority over the opposite sex, I would accept this character. In most of the media I've seen, that doesn't exist. I wish it did.
"Knight(male)/Knight (female) in Shining Armor" - When used correctly, this isn't bad. Generally, this kind of character is done well with someone to balance them out morally as well as in terms of different abilities for a well-balanced duo, yet also regards the Knight's abilities as effective. It is also good when this trope is used with Princess/Prince Classic, but allows for this second primary/sometimes supporting character to show off what they can do as well...without the knight being shocked and worried, thank you.
I'll think of more as they come along, and add them here under real-life or fiction, but it's an unnesscessary argument when we could just work together instead of at subtle odds and work hard to push against these troubled market and political times in ways of emotionally comforting, social, and work-based needs.
And the former one about Autism Speaks, I'll sum up real fast:
See this child who's likely an actor playing an autistic child....Two legs, two arms, that whole thing? Hey, we're people too right? We don't need a cure, we need help and compassion and the means to develop effectively, which exist thanks to developmental psychology. These things happen, and although I respect what you are doing with informing parents and people of the risks and effects the children with this condition will deal with, we can also survive within this world. We can also strive and have goals, and we can also succeed if given the chance. Thank you.
Thanks for reading everybody. More tomarrow.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Alright, now about Monday.
Yeah, I was trying to find a job in today's economy. It helps to have a work ethic when motivated to use it like a streamlined steam-engine, but it takes some oiling like all good machines. That being said, I go back to school in a week. Not that I mind using my brain for more than being introduced to more games and comics which I'm starting to love, but one has to be productive as well, or you sort of falter.
Also, I found the Follow command! Yay!
Overall Feelings
Gnarled in grass growing
A wave-torrents of reality
Crash down, suffocated.
From the depths
First the plains, then ferns
Then faints of trees and birds
A world anew.
Look-A legged creature!
Yet the stare of sure cunning
Remembers a mistake long past.
(Sorry, get poem-heavy. Also, blogs are for writing practice, apparently.)
I'll get back to my analysis explanation soon. Not to mention that outside Blue Beetle (it's ending...*sad face.*), Watchmen (When I get the chance at my friend's house to read it.), and Sandman (Just recently got it all!), I'm looking for some new material to read comics-wise. Just entering into the franchise at twenty-two probably does not help, but I don't mind backlogging. I mean, hell, I just got to see the Planet of the Apes movies back-to-back and I love them...Still, can't stop quoting them.
On another note, I can so imagine a monkey using a blog to ask for money to buy guns. Because guns are certainly power.
Also, I found the Follow command! Yay!
Overall Feelings
Gnarled in grass growing
A wave-torrents of reality
Crash down, suffocated.
From the depths
First the plains, then ferns
Then faints of trees and birds
A world anew.
Look-A legged creature!
Yet the stare of sure cunning
Remembers a mistake long past.
(Sorry, get poem-heavy. Also, blogs are for writing practice, apparently.)
I'll get back to my analysis explanation soon. Not to mention that outside Blue Beetle (it's ending...*sad face.*), Watchmen (When I get the chance at my friend's house to read it.), and Sandman (Just recently got it all!), I'm looking for some new material to read comics-wise. Just entering into the franchise at twenty-two probably does not help, but I don't mind backlogging. I mean, hell, I just got to see the Planet of the Apes movies back-to-back and I love them...Still, can't stop quoting them.
On another note, I can so imagine a monkey using a blog to ask for money to buy guns. Because guns are certainly power.
Friday, January 9, 2009
We'll get back to that later. For now..
Wanted to touch upon a couple things that jumped out at me over the last couple days that I don't think many people caught onto.
Things that were awesome over this last year, into the new year (No, there won't be a bad stuff this year; I tend not to do those.):
-The Doctor Who Christmas Special.
- Chrono Trigger DS.
- Most of House this season.
- Secret Six and Blue Beetle, despite what's happening to BOTH of them.
- Girl Genius. In general.....especially this part. And a few parts after.
- Elenium and Witches Abroad, my next reading project...How I love thee, Eddings and Pratchett. Although, I would like to see more equality in Edding's work.*
*What I mean by equality is the fact that Edding's work tends to assume that main characters males are technical idiots with only tactical and combative skill, and that the females are placed slightly on a pedestal. The characters of Flute and Sephrenia follow this example quite well, both being quite annoyed by simple questions by clearly confused Church Knights and young child thieves, and all the while proported as very intimidating and magically-powerful, yet they make claim of little combative and tactical ability, although the point I'm at in the series considers their age protests otherwise. I am either a misoginist or a feminist, but strive for pure equality; that all characters in media-male and female-have a fair and equal representation in terms of how much trouble they get involved in, and exactly how much they contribute to getting out of it. Not to mention significiant intellect, combative and non-combative abilities, and their interaction with characters, allies or enemies alike. Sorry this was so long.
Things that were awesome over this last year, into the new year (No, there won't be a bad stuff this year; I tend not to do those.):
-The Doctor Who Christmas Special.
- Chrono Trigger DS.
- Most of House this season.
- Secret Six and Blue Beetle, despite what's happening to BOTH of them.
- Girl Genius. In general.....especially this part. And a few parts after.
- Elenium and Witches Abroad, my next reading project...How I love thee, Eddings and Pratchett. Although, I would like to see more equality in Edding's work.*
*What I mean by equality is the fact that Edding's work tends to assume that main characters males are technical idiots with only tactical and combative skill, and that the females are placed slightly on a pedestal. The characters of Flute and Sephrenia follow this example quite well, both being quite annoyed by simple questions by clearly confused Church Knights and young child thieves, and all the while proported as very intimidating and magically-powerful, yet they make claim of little combative and tactical ability, although the point I'm at in the series considers their age protests otherwise. I am either a misoginist or a feminist, but strive for pure equality; that all characters in media-male and female-have a fair and equal representation in terms of how much trouble they get involved in, and exactly how much they contribute to getting out of it. Not to mention significiant intellect, combative and non-combative abilities, and their interaction with characters, allies or enemies alike. Sorry this was so long.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Yay, it's Thought Day. Revel in the SAN Loss of my thoughts. (Part 1)
Here, I'll give you an example.
Luffy. Most of anime fans know who he is and what he stands for, but I go farther. He might clearly be as powerful as some of the Sayjins from Dragonball Z. Don't believe me?
I have actually built a system made to measure the power level of any videogame or anime characters based on only on their techinques, but also their overall effectiveness as a character in any situation based on a ranking from 1-15. I call this my Tier System.
To start off, I'll make a simple example; a normal punch is not by a baseline, average human is not on the Tier scale. This rating system focuses on skills and well as development beyond the norm and well defined. Specialists are within this kind of scale, such as a trained swordwielder has a least a Tier Level of 1, as does a well-trained boxer.
Secondly, Tier and Tier Level are two different things in this system:
Tier: The level of power and effectiveness a techinque or skill has when used by someone.
Tier Level: The actual character's overall power and effectiveness. This directly effects the Tier of certain techinques, as such when this level raises, so does the strength of their powers.
Tier Ranks in a nutshell:
1: Basic specialization or minor supernatural ability or skill. Perfect humans of comic fame are examples, but can go beyond this point with beyond-the-norm tactical, martial, deductive, or intellectual use and precise control. Examples: Early Robin
2-3: A basic, but relatively effective attack or defensive techinque reaches these points as a ironclad rule. They are suited to minor effects and abilities of lower-grade mutants or "heroes" still learning to fine-tune their powers, and supporting shonen characters with developing abilities which have potential. Examples: Nami when she first received the Clima Tact, Basic spells cast in FF games of early-level Mage-Types (Poor guy...he isn't there yet.), Church Knights from the Elenium, before Bhelliom and magic only.
4: A pinnacle of power and level Tiers in general. In combative use, it resembles the power needed or has the same efficiency of knocking normal people out in one blow, as well as destroying a well-built mortar wall of a two-story house with a blow WITHOUT exhausting yourself, or defensively to negate a Tier 3 or lower strike or techinque will ease. Outside of combat, it shows the extreme ability of getting from A-to-B with at least half the efficiency needed than normal considering technology and circumstances, or to diffuse a situation in half the time normally needed (situations vary). For healing, to be able to restore a limb's functions and health of an average human being without exhausting yourself. Examples: Usopp after Arabasta, but not before Water 7, Mega Man's charged shot from a Mega Buster, The overall effectiveness of Agatha's Dingbot Prime without a full contingent of Dingbots, or from the same series, a normal Jager's strength and resillence.
(More to come....)
Luffy. Most of anime fans know who he is and what he stands for, but I go farther. He might clearly be as powerful as some of the Sayjins from Dragonball Z. Don't believe me?
I have actually built a system made to measure the power level of any videogame or anime characters based on only on their techinques, but also their overall effectiveness as a character in any situation based on a ranking from 1-15. I call this my Tier System.
To start off, I'll make a simple example; a normal punch is not by a baseline, average human is not on the Tier scale. This rating system focuses on skills and well as development beyond the norm and well defined. Specialists are within this kind of scale, such as a trained swordwielder has a least a Tier Level of 1, as does a well-trained boxer.
Secondly, Tier and Tier Level are two different things in this system:
Tier: The level of power and effectiveness a techinque or skill has when used by someone.
Tier Level: The actual character's overall power and effectiveness. This directly effects the Tier of certain techinques, as such when this level raises, so does the strength of their powers.
Tier Ranks in a nutshell:
1: Basic specialization or minor supernatural ability or skill. Perfect humans of comic fame are examples, but can go beyond this point with beyond-the-norm tactical, martial, deductive, or intellectual use and precise control. Examples: Early Robin
2-3: A basic, but relatively effective attack or defensive techinque reaches these points as a ironclad rule. They are suited to minor effects and abilities of lower-grade mutants or "heroes" still learning to fine-tune their powers, and supporting shonen characters with developing abilities which have potential. Examples: Nami when she first received the Clima Tact, Basic spells cast in FF games of early-level Mage-Types (Poor guy...he isn't there yet.), Church Knights from the Elenium, before Bhelliom and magic only.
4: A pinnacle of power and level Tiers in general. In combative use, it resembles the power needed or has the same efficiency of knocking normal people out in one blow, as well as destroying a well-built mortar wall of a two-story house with a blow WITHOUT exhausting yourself, or defensively to negate a Tier 3 or lower strike or techinque will ease. Outside of combat, it shows the extreme ability of getting from A-to-B with at least half the efficiency needed than normal considering technology and circumstances, or to diffuse a situation in half the time normally needed (situations vary). For healing, to be able to restore a limb's functions and health of an average human being without exhausting yourself. Examples: Usopp after Arabasta, but not before Water 7, Mega Man's charged shot from a Mega Buster, The overall effectiveness of Agatha's Dingbot Prime without a full contingent of Dingbots, or from the same series, a normal Jager's strength and resillence.
(More to come....)
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Now, the first post has to try to be good...
So, after a heated discussion with my mother and best friend, I'm now more in the realization that while getting a job and a future is on the horizon, it's time to pull back on things that I once enjoyed. It's not that I don't love gaming and reading, (which I don't plan to stop doing, believe me.) its that It's time to move on from them taking up my life, and really push forward and work hard to realize the potential I've pushed for in my schoolwork into my whole life.
Of course, I hope that means I don't have to burn the candle 100%. I'd peeter out before then.
Well, enough of that realization/pity party. Welcome to my blog.
Let's get some stuff out of the way right off the bat. Namely, in the form of a plethora of recommendations and suggestions for the viewing populace.
(Warning: In all of Aurabolt's posts, it is very possible that he will make a base distinction or broad statement about the world around him, especially the world of geekery. He welcomes and encourages well-meaning insight and knowledge to take with him as he moves through life.)
Video Games: The economy is shafting all of us here; Those who do have the money and the means are only into casual, simple games like...Wii Music or Cooking Mama or most of anything one can find on Wiiware, Playstation Home or Xbox LIVE that wasn't developed in the past decade and a half. Personally, I think the industry is going to go through some rough times for the next couple years, but we have to stick with it like we did during the Atari days and back in the nineties when the Playstation tore the gaming giants of Nintendo and Sega asunder with it's disc-coated version of wrath.
And those who don't have the money or the means have their ways. Hardcore gamers aren't likely to turn to the independent scene, but truth be told, it is a powerful force right now. Anyone with a passion for gaming should be heading to TIGSource or Gaming World and trying out some of the really nice stuff over there. Give Avernum a try for the sandbox-loving goodness of exploration. Give Seplunky a try for it's Nethack-like goodness as well as it's irritaingly incredible means to pull you back in, while being so good at the same time...Just watch out for spikes. ALL of them...Oh, and for a free connection to a bunch of games that only costs 15 bucks/month either way, Gametap is for you.
Comics: Still reading Sandman and Secret Six backlogs for some context of the new work coming out for the latter and the absolute goodness of the former. Still I've been focusing mainly on webcomics nowadays. OOtS and Girl Genius are incredible pieces of writing that have gone long for quite awhile now, but I also recently recomend Wapsi Square and Looking for Group as well...good luck understanding the former if you're like me though; social context warps my brain, even in comics, and especially ones about life in general.
But for now, I bid you all adieu. Time to do some more job hunting, and soon? More writing!
Of course, I hope that means I don't have to burn the candle 100%. I'd peeter out before then.
Well, enough of that realization/pity party. Welcome to my blog.
Let's get some stuff out of the way right off the bat. Namely, in the form of a plethora of recommendations and suggestions for the viewing populace.
(Warning: In all of Aurabolt's posts, it is very possible that he will make a base distinction or broad statement about the world around him, especially the world of geekery. He welcomes and encourages well-meaning insight and knowledge to take with him as he moves through life.)
Video Games: The economy is shafting all of us here; Those who do have the money and the means are only into casual, simple games like...
And those who don't have the money or the means have their ways. Hardcore gamers aren't likely to turn to the independent scene, but truth be told, it is a powerful force right now. Anyone with a passion for gaming should be heading to TIGSource or Gaming World and trying out some of the really nice stuff over there. Give Avernum a try for the sandbox-loving goodness of exploration. Give Seplunky a try for it's Nethack-like goodness as well as it's irritaingly incredible means to pull you back in, while being so good at the same time...Just watch out for spikes. ALL of them...Oh, and for a free connection to a bunch of games that only costs 15 bucks/month either way, Gametap is for you.
Comics: Still reading Sandman and Secret Six backlogs for some context of the new work coming out for the latter and the absolute goodness of the former. Still I've been focusing mainly on webcomics nowadays. OOtS and Girl Genius are incredible pieces of writing that have gone long for quite awhile now, but I also recently recomend Wapsi Square and Looking for Group as well...good luck understanding the former if you're like me though; social context warps my brain, even in comics, and especially ones about life in general.
But for now, I bid you all adieu. Time to do some more job hunting, and soon? More writing!
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